Empowering men to empower men
Learn MoreNew Breed exists to engage with men in all walks of life. We encourage them to be leaders in the lives of their families, in their communities or wherever they are in life. New Breed Men come from diverse backgrounds. From the fatherless, broken childhoods, failed relationships or addictions to thriving professionals, successful entrepreneurs, solid fathers, sons, husbands and community leaders.
We walk alongside men, sharing the life lessons and the victories we have obtained through Christ. We equip them by walking alongside of them in Bible studies, as well as ministering together with other faith-based ministries and helping in various community needs. Our spotlight is on our men’s camp held twice a year in Christopher Creek, Arizona.
Our goal is to empower men to build relationships with each other and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is through our foundation in Christ, that we are able encourage men to live their identity as a New Breed of Men!
Breathing Life/New Breed is a faith-based, non-denominational 501c3 organization.

The Purpose of
New Breed Men

Empowered Men
What Makes a new breed man
A New Breed man chooses not to be defined by experiences or who others say he is
A New Breed man chooses to see the bigger picture- He values long-term goals over short-term pleasures.
A New Breed man chooses to reframe the current situations- changing the definitions and corresponding feelings.
A New Breed Man chooses to step out in Faith- rather than to be paralyzed in fear.
A New Breed Man Lives Out the 4 E’s
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