by Gary Howell | Feb 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
There is a statement that originated with newlyweds soon after they would return from a fun-filled honeymoon and then begin to settle into the inevitable monotony of everyday life, and that statement is “the honeymoon is over”. This statement has now become a...
by Gary Howell | Jul 20, 2017 | Short Breaths
Perceptions are the filters we use as we try to make sense of an event, statement or a situation. Those filters can be skewed by miss information, negative experiences and unhealthy environments that keep us from accepting the truth. I recently met a gentleman with...
by Gary Howell | Feb 21, 2017 | Counseling
I want to address an issue that is vital to our journey in this area we call our spiritual walk, and that issue involves the battle of the mind. The bible speaks often of the mind in regards to what we think about and how we think about it, and makes a clear argument...